We have already explored some of the commonly spotted birds in Vancouver. Others include black capped chickadees, well known for their chick-a-dee-dee-dee bird call. These cute little birds can be found in city and suburban areas in gardens and woodlands all year round. Other commonly spotted birds include House Sparrows, Starlings, House Finches, Bushtits, Northwestern Crows and American Robins. However, if you venture outside the city you’ll be able to spot a huge range of birdlife! Let’s take a look at some of the nearby bird and wildlife sanctuaries in the area.
George C.Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Only an hour’s drive away from Vancouver city lies the peaceful George C.Reifel Migratory Bird Sancturary. This area is home to Snow Geese during the winter months and over 300 bird species can be spotted here. The Sanctuary began in 1963 and is located on Westham Island in the Delta, covering 300 hectares of marshes, ponds, tree lined paths and water channels.
Commonly seen birds include a variety of ducks, geese and swan including Mallards, Blue Winged Teal, Trumpeter Swan, Canada Goose, Snow Goose, Tundra Swan, Ring necked duck, Northern pintail, Northern Shoveller and many more. Other birds you might see include Great Blue Heron, Common Loon, Sandhill crane, Bald Eagle, Osprey, Black Bellied Plover. Nocturnal birdlife includes Barn Owl, Snowy Owl, Great Horned Owl and Common Night Hawk. Naturally the area is home to many gulls, sandpipers, woodpeckers, flycatchers, wren, sparrows, finches, and warblers too. You can find a full list on the official website https://www.reifelbirdsanctuary.com/ .
Burnaby Lake Regional Park
Burnaby is home to a beautiful wildlife sanctuary. Birders can enjoy spotting Great Blue Herons, Osprey, Bald Eagles and many more species. It’s only a 25 minute drive away from Vancouver so it’s well within reach! There are plenty of activities here too. The whole family can enjoy an 11km nature walk around the whole lake. Plus there’s kayaking and canoeing available.
Boundary Bay Regional Park
South of Vancouver in Tsawwassen lies Boundary Bay Regional Park. Of particular interest to bird watchers and wildlife enthusiasts is 12th Avenue Dyke Trail. When the tide is out you can walk far amongst the pools of water left in sandy depressions. Sandpipers, herons, dunlin and brants are amongst the most commonly spotted birds here.